The healing card is the solar plexus. Your being asked to look after you lower abdomen and lower organs. Stress related ailments could effect you in those areas. Watch what you eat because your system will reject some foods.
The future is looking good and you could be feeling very optimistic because your manifesting your dreams. Hard work and perseverance will pay off. In some ways it’s about money and security, but don’t forget the other areas of life. You are very loyal and you like providing security for others.
There is one area shown that might be in need of a revamp. Love and relationships might need sorted out. A partner may be feeling unwell and a little hormonal. If your both looking for more affection then try to talk about it. The situation will only get worse and your both feel lonely.
Talking about intimacy and how you feel could help, but listening is also important for a change.
You have all the responsibilities under control so, consider LOVE to be the most important thing and happiness will be fulfilling.
Have a lovely week x