Todays healing card is Intelligence.
Leaning, courses or studying could be the way forward now. It can help you get you on the right path for the future.
Don't be inflexible and gradually let life evolve without pressuring yourself.
As you grow your perception will change and the end result could be an amazing new you.
The Tarot.
This shows communication with a person who is making some big changes to their life and you could be part of their future if you want.
They seem very positive about what they want but, underneath they may doubt themselves. Your part is the help them to stay positive.
There is a lot of trust being built here. Your connection with them could flourish, even becoming a special love interest for you.
They are quietly seeking your approval and this is were you have to do some personal learning. It show that you secretly want the something from them.
Let got of self judgment or inner doubt and just let things flow. You will both end up on the same shaw. So let's hope the view is a beautiful blue sea of calm and balance.
Thank you Eileen xx
Thank you x
Hey Eileen 🌟 I hope you are well. This reading is spot on for me. Love and light ✨️ 💛