The healing card is Forgivness
Time to let go of the past and move forward. Let the healing in now so you can grow by being compassionate to yourself.
The Tarot
This shows a situation of moving forward. Please be optimistic about the future because present problems will be resolved. Have a leap of faith because you will be emotionally and financially secure in the future.
It shows me that when you feel you can't cope you will push people away and silently grieve. It is important that people who love you know how you feel or they will see and feel that you don't love them, but that's not true.
Time to get an organised head on now and sort things out. Plan the future, make some calls and you will be successful, so believe in yourself.
Money situations will be ok and sorted between November to February.
A trip to do with health and a change of diets is needed for better health, you can do it.
Apologies for the lack of blogs, I will get back to normal soon. Xx
Thank you
Thank you Eileen that was just the message I needed. I plan to move forward and slowly let down my guards xx
Crazy how accurate thank you xx
Thank you xx
Your welcome lovely xx