The healing card is Base Chakra
It represents strength, determination, and being grounded.
Look after your lower body as too much responsibility may cause back problems. Also bowls, reproductive organs and hip problems.
Don’t be two strong, you’re only human, look after yourself.
Todays Tarot shows how strong and determined you are. You have a lot of knowledge. This is professional or the ability to succeed because you are still growing and gaining your experience. Please try to keep your positive and romantic outlook on life because it’s about to change in a big way and for the better.
If someone is loyal and supports you, you will also supportive to them. But it is time to do some weeding and get rid of the people that smother or choke you. Don’t let others control your feelings.
If you’ve been feeling very depressed and insecure because you’re desperate to bring in the change, then the weeding could be crucial to your success.
You will make the right decision.
This reading shows your ability to be psychic and intuitive with not only those around you, but if you’ve been seeking spiritual advice, then they have heard you and are wait for the opportunity to help you. If you don’t ask, you don’t get!!
There could also been depression and worried with work. People like you, your a gem and very good at what you do. As the weeks pass you will realise just how fortunate and important you are.
Lots of love and blessings to your next phase. Xx